Ego is identification with thoughts information and facts that we have carried from the world, Ego is mainly because of the survival in the world. If there is no one at all around you to which you can represent or explain your life and events then there will be no EGO. This is the reason that the one who is aware of his higher self, prefer to be silent and alone for some time.

In this world nowadays having a smartphone, bike, car, girlfriend, boyfriend, a house, trips or traveling and so many things which provides you temporary comfort and which will help in satisfying your desire and provide pleasure have become the definition of happiness. I have seen many with everything, a fancy bike or car, so much wealth etc etc. however, they are still looking sad and depressed not knowing where they are heading or what they want, so I wanna know, they have their car parked in their houses, having a partner and friends and everything that they could ask still not happy?

The reason is that we have completely merged our-self in Ego feeding, which gives you pleasures for sure but it is temporary and does not last long enough to keep you going or motivated for being happy or satisfied.

It is not in the fancy things which was providing the false satisfaction, it was completely your thoughts and mind, if mind and thoughts is not handled carefully it will be the reason for your destruction. Whenever you will seek the happiness from the outer source you will end up being miserable, because you will be trying to stretch the pleasure for life, the only result will be living miserable life.

Ego will always relate your happiness to something outside world, such as, If you will do this you will be happy, you will get this you will be happy, you will buy this you will be satisfied, if you will have this then you will be happy, but does it really ends? You just keep telling your self so much about happiness. If there is happiness in wealth and worldly pleasures then why did Lord Buddha refuse all his kingdom? There is plenty of examples in this world just like him.

Happiness is not a choice to made everyday, happiness is not a destination to seek, neither a mountain to climb nor impossible or myth. Happiness is simply you, happiness is your quality. For example, If I'm a cool guy and love to hear Mozart, I would simply want a partner in my life who would be cool and love to hear the Mozart. The same we are made of happiness due to which we end up searching for the same outside because we are being ignorant of our true self.

When you give the credibility and believe the reason of your happiness, is the other person or something else, like money or anything then you are just feeding you EGO. You should eat an apple, you should enjoy the taste of the apple but understand that the apple will end and when its end because you get attached to it, and made the apple the reason for you happiness which was actually just the short term pleasure, you will be miserable when its gone, because your happiness was dependent on something else.

Ego make us think that we are not complete, make us doubt on our self and keep us busy all our life to search for that thing which will complete us, however, as a rule of the world only change is permanent, everything will change, the person the situation, young ones does not realize that they have old age on their backs, the situation will have to change no matter what, THIS TIME SHALL PASS TOO. So the outer world is changing so relating your happiness to something will is not permanent is work of your EGO not you.

Let me tell you something there is something which is also permanent, YOU, not the ego or the identities you might think. I'm not saying to your body as well. You are the witness of all the things, this Ego will only exist if you are attached to it, let go of all the identities and sit in an empty room and think deeply who are you? why are you here and what is your motto, You are the permanent, you have the 5 sensory organs just so you can experience the world. But attaching your self to this world is your foolishness and ignorance.

There is nothing in this universe you do not know, due to which its called self realization, not invention, creation or anything else because you get realized of your true self not the one which you have accepted as yourself.

Whenever you are hurt or feeling bad understand the Ego is at work, because you are already complete, content and forgiver. Your ego will make you suffer but your true self will liberate you from all the fake identities and which is not true.

The voice in your head which keeps telling you do not need to be unhappy find something which will keep you happy and give you the sense of complete, if you will listen to it then you will be feeding you EGO. As I said earlier, you can enjoy someone's company or something which will make you happy but being attached to it will make you miserable after sometime.

I'm not telling you to renounce anything, I'm just telling you to know true self and the EGO.In this world nowadays having a smartphone, bike, car, girlfriend, boyfriend, a house, trips or traveling and so many things which provide you temporary comfort and which will help in satisfying your desire and provide pleasure have become the definition of happiness. I have seen many with everything, a fancy bike or car, so much wealth etc etc. however, they are still looking sad and depressed not knowing where they are heading or what they want, so I wanna know, they have their car parked in their houses, having a partner and friends and everything that they could ask still not happy?

The reason is that we have completely merged our-self in Ego feeding, which gives you pleasures for sure but it is temporary and does not last long enough to keep you going or motivated for being happy or satisfied.

It is not in the fancy things which were providing the false satisfaction, it was completely your thoughts and mind if mind and thoughts are not handled carefully it will be the reason for your destruction. Whenever you will seek the happiness from the outer source you will end up being miserable because you will be trying to stretch the pleasure for life, the only result will be living a miserable life.

Ego will always relate your happiness to something outside world, such as, If you will do this you will be happy, you will get this you will be happy, you will buy this you will be satisfied, if you will have this then you will be happy, but does it really ends? You just keep telling your self so much about happiness. If there is happiness in wealth and worldly pleasures then why did Lord Buddha refuse all his kingdom? There is plenty of examples in this world just like.

Happiness is not a choice to make every day, happiness is not a destination to seek, neither a mountain to climb nor impossible or myth. Happiness is simply you, happiness is your quality. For example, If I'm a cool guy and love to hear Mozart, I would simply want a partner in my life who would be cool and love to hear the Mozart. The same we are made of happiness due to which we end up searching for the same outside because we are being ignorant of our true self.

When you give the credibility and believe the reason of your happiness, is the other person or something else, like money or anything then you are just feeding you EGO. You should eat an apple, you should enjoy the taste of the apple but understand that the apple will end and when its end because you get attached to it, and made the apple the reason for you happiness which was actually just the short term pleasure, you will be miserable when it's gone, because your happiness was dependent on something else.

Ego makes us think that we are not complete, make us doubt on our self and keep us busy all our life to search for that thing which will complete us, however, as a rule of the world only change is permanent, everything will change, the person the situation, young ones do not realize that they have old age on their backs, the situation will have to change no matter what, THIS TIME SHALL PASS TOO. So the outer world is changing so relating your happiness to something will is not permanent is work of your EGO, not you.

Let me tell you something there is something which is also permanent, YOU, not the ego or the identities you might think. I'm not saying to your body as well. You are the witness of all the things, this Ego will only exist if you are attached to it, let go of all the identities and sit in an empty room and think deeply who are you? why are you here and what is your motto, You are permanent, you have the 5 sensory organs just so you can experience the world. But attaching your self to this world is your foolishness and ignorance.

There is nothing in this universe you do not know, due to which its called self-realization, not invention, creation or anything else because you get realized of your true self, not the one which you have accepted as yourself.

Whenever you are hurt or feeling bad understand the Ego is on work, because you are already complete, content and forgiver. Your ego will make you suffer but your true self will liberate you from all the fake identities and which is not true.

The voice in your head which keeps telling you do not need to be unhappy find something which will keep you happy and give you the sense of complete, if you will listen to it then you will be feeding you EGO. As I said earlier, you can enjoy someone's company or something which will make you happy but being attached to it will make you miserable after some time.

I'm not telling you to renounce anything, I'm just telling you to know true self and the EGO.

Please understand, that there is reason if you are getting knowledge of something like this, now maybe you will not be able to know but surely you will know it one day. Then you will never be the same. I want all the people of the world to be guided, Please feel free to comment and write. Your feedback and comments will help me to write more. 


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