Do You Need A Perception: What No One Is Talking About?

Do You Need A Perception?

If you seek the truth of the universe and 'you' then there are steps to follow. The question stands on how perceptions are related to consciousness and how consciousness associated with the truth.

Why we identify and give names to things? Essentially to remember and keep accounts, so, whenever required we could deduce all the necessary information. Our mind is a storehouse of data.

You recognize yourself as a body based on your past knowledge and the conditioning of your mind. What will happen if I say a completely unknown word to you?  Being clueless will be a natural response, because you are unaware if I'm talking about someplace, thing, object, or an individual.

Our five senses are the reason for the experiences we have of the world, and those experiences creates a certain impact on our personality. Perception came into existence out of these experiences and encounters. How you have been accustomed to deal with diverse experiences.

Our beliefs about an object or a subject depend not only on its appearance but also on how it fits into our existing ideas about reality. We see only what is relevant at the moment. My perception of Google software is different from your perception.

As Schopenhauer claimed, our beliefs about the external world are constantly being modified by previous experiences, beliefs and motivations. So it goes with perceptions of objects and people. The more you know about a subject or object, the more perceptions you will have of it. The key is in how you assess what 'feels right' at the time.

You must start to look at things without being critical or jumping on conclusions without an inquiry. Suppose you are hungry and came to me, will I be able to measure your hunger level? So for the solution, I told you to imagine yourself having a lot of food and you are full. Will it calm your hunger? To understand your hunger, I have to be on the same level as you. I need to experience it, so, I could help you better. Sometimes perceptions could also block our view, no matter how good or with an example I explain things to you, it's unachievable until you and I will have the same experience.

Perception is an important factor when trying to find motivation. It makes things seem more complex than they actually are. We often have preconceived notions about a subject or situation which clouds our view of new information. It keeps us from seeing new possibilities, perceptions, or results as being better than what we already know. Wanting to believe something is the reason why we perceive things the way they are.

To attain consciousness, you must remove the lenses of perception. No one can explain consciousness to you, experience is the only key. By seeking it with knowledge and understanding, it will never happen. You have to shed the experiences of the world to have the experience of yourself.

Perceptions hide the reality, you don't see things as they are, you see them as you are. Learning to see things as they are first, you need to unlearn whatever you have learned. You have to become the spectator, a witness of everything that happens around you, and to whatever is happening inside your head.

Do not change the perception to understand other but to your true-self
In this world of perception "not reality" no one is right or wrong, as everyone is right in what they believe when you become more conscious, the voice in your head not necessarily ends, it will function the same, however, the believer is changed into knower.

Reality is a whole of everything - the up is an extended part of down and down is extended part of up. Learning to see things as they are free from judgments. Where you do not surrender yourself to the emotion irrespective if its the joy or sorrow. You enjoy it to the fullest and then let it go. Everything revolves around us in duality, what is good now might be bad tomorrow. As good and bad are not separate from each but the other end of the same thread.

Man is made by his beliefs, as he believes, so he is
Happiness is eternal as you are - our mind is outwardly focussed and uses 5 senses to fetch sensations, thus always dwell between two opposites of everything called duality. Learning that you are not the mind is the first step towards awakening your consciousness.

All divisions are part of one organic existence. Enlightenment is the realization of the non-dual. Enlightenment means the point from where you take a jump into the non-dual. Before that point is duality. Everything is divided. Each particular perception is limited. Whatsoever we see is limited, whatsoever we feel is limited, all perceptions are limited. But if you can become aware, then every limited thing is disappearing into the unlimited.

Be the witness of everything. Be the awareness.

Please feel free to comment and share. Your feedback and comments will help me to write more. 


  1. With all that goes on in our "busy" lives everyday I think we often forget to be the observer. It is easy to judge, we just need to be more mindful so that when we do, we can step back from it and attempt to see the truth.

    1. Yes, most of the people are living there life as they have came to this earth to judge everything, If you will notice in this world there is nothing imperfect but our own mind, which always require proofs and opinions to be right. When you become the observer, you just sit and enjoy everything!

  2. This is such a thought provoking topic. Being a parent to young children this brings a lot of things into perspective.

    1. Namaste! a child always enjoy everything because they have filled their mind with lot of question and they seek answer, Humans are seekers not believer but as we grow up, this world conditioned our mind and we just exist without actually living it. Give a question or problem to the kids everyday which they can solve from their own and never say no to their questions.

  3. This is a fascinating topic! I love the line about happiness not being related to the outer world

  4. Hi, Well it can never be outside, we are always complete, if we can live happily in solitude, we can be happy with everyone. We are eternal (not the body) happiness, kindness, simplicity, sincerity is eternal as well because those are our real traits. Due to which you will always find the learned one kind, simple and happy.

  5. Quite fascinating ideas. Perception is different from person to person. It is part of what makes us individuals.Perception and truth may not be aligned but with much discernment, open mind and welcoming heart, perception and truth may align. -katrina centeno

    1. Namaste! The best way to get close to reality is welcome all perceptions and possibilities, widen our perspective will help us know that how fascinating everything is in this world.

  6. I do my best to be as discerning as possible and not be as judgmental as some in this world are. Jehovah God is the only one that has that right and I try to live my life according to bible principles and let him guide me in all my decisions and actions.

    1. Namaste! Bible is awesome if everyone understand it well enough, whenever I feel like judging something, I do not stop myself from doing it, I just wait and then let go of the judgement and feelings. Because our mind have tendency to protect himself, from negative opinions, so I let it do his work, but later than I let go of that feeling and all the opinions my mind made.

  7. Perception can really make or break your thought patterns and general happiness. Interesting read.

    1. Namaste!, what may sad for us might be happy for someone else, so if we are realized of our grounds we are always happy, I do this that whenever I'm not okay, I look my hands, i hear, I smell, I hymn and realized that even I will get billions I will not sell anyone these, I'm already rich and blessed enough to experience everything which is present in outer world.

  8. Your right, being mindful and perceptive allows you to become open to all the possibilities that the universe has to offer.

    Britt Mont |

    1. Namaste! mindfulness is always amazing and it relate us to who we are rather than what our conditioned mind and world has made out of us.

  9. Fantastic topic! we should all think more about this kind of topics.

    1. Hi Tiazim,

      Indeed we need to think first and then transcend it further by experiencing new realities for us.

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  11. Haré krsna haré Krsna Krsna Krsna Haré Haré, haré Rama Haré Rama Rama Rama Haré Haré...
    Thank you for this perspective of knowledge , the experience that we gather throughout our life time are the lessons that the lord has awarded us for our own reactions to the feelings we experience ... learning the detach from all those feelings and let go of all that we have gather can be difficult to perceive to people who are in the nature of things ,goodnes ,passion and ignorance. Love and manipulation go together as long as the sences are not under the control of the supream controller .. finding the supream and ultimate truth can be difficult but once the seed is sowed into the heart the lord will water it by our own actions. Spirt soul search can be a difficult road to cross in this days with so many doctrines and religions so called spiritual masters or gurus or guides. The Gita is a song that people do not know or understand its valuable meaning and they close the doors to their own spiritual part of life for the fear that we all have been condition to believe.

    Thank you again for your wonderful work and please forgive my writing skills .. I don't do this very often
    Hare Krsna

    1. Hare krishna, gita is phenomenal but it's hard to grasp the wisdom of something beyond physical experience.


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