Consciousness Has The Answer To Everything. In getting closer to your higher self or to know yourself you must stop feeding the ego and feed your soul. Nowadays we are so busy in searching and exploring things of outside that we have forgot ourselves and that how important is to understand who we are. Now the question is, what is "ourselves" we are referring here? When we were all little and trying to find out the reality and reasons for existence of things, however as we grew up and our question left unexplored we tend to forget it because either the person whom we asked did not helped us or even he was not knowing why he is doing all this, so we came out to be just like everyone else. Feed the Homeless not your Ego Are we the one with combination of sensory organs, group of muscles, mind and intelligence? Or are we the one who is awareness alone and witness of all the existing things and aware of all. Do this for instance, stand in front of the mirror, you wi...